One of six types of simple machines is a pulley.
A sheave (pronounced “shiv”) is a pulley system part.
Within the pulley, the sheave is the rotating, grooved wheel.
This is the part where the rope travels.
The sheave rotates on an axle or bearing within the pulley’s frame.
This allows the wire or rope to travel easily, resulting in less friction and cable wear.
Sheaves are useful for rerouting a cable or rope, lifting loads, and transmitting energy.
Sheave and pulley are terms that are often used interchangeably.
A pulley mechanism in which the rope is mounted to the object and the pulley is attached to a fixed point.
A simple machine that changes the direction of a force, generally to raise a load, is defined as a pulley.
Usually consists of a grooved wheel with a wire or chain pulled thru it.
Often times, a single sheave within a pulley will get the job done with minimal effort. For a sheave to be effective, it must have the minimum surface area possible for the rope attached, and it needs to be resistant to abrasions and warping.
Heavy-duty sheave blocks are best for heavy-duty applications with thicker ropes and cables and heavier weight bearings. They are available in 102 mm through 305 mm (4” through 12”), and are often used in work environments where the sheave block will be operating continuously.